Benefits of using a CCP Business Support Professional:
Customer Pain Points – Are you: | Benefits of using a CCP VA: |
Struggling to keep on top of book-keeping (expenses/receipts)? | CCP will ensure consistency and timely reminders |
Struggling to keep on top of invoicing (issuing and chasing)? | A CCP VA will improve your cashflow |
Overwhelmed with growing administrative ‘pile’? | Your mundane and time consuming admin work is delegated to an experienced and trustworthy CCP professional |
Needing admin support but can’t afford someone full-time? | You only pay for the hours worked, and ONLY use your CCP VA when needed |
Running out of time to do research? | Having your CCP VA carry out high quality research remotely frees you up to build your business |
Spending a lot of time on admin tasks (emails, travel arrangements, appointments, small projects etc.,), rather than building your business? | You get more time to do what YOU do best, while leaving the admin to a qualified and experienced individual at CCP |
Restrained by current resource not being flexible/unavailable outside normal hours? | CCP is flexible and available whenever the business demands – we can step in and out of your business as and when you need us. |
Inexperienced at producing mailers, which take time to produce? | CCP is skilled in Mailmerge/Mailchimp and can get the task done quicker than you can |
Having to pay a regular monthly salary when our resource is not utilised 100%? | CCP is paid per quarter of an hour |
Paying temp/agency fees to bring in additional personnel when needed? | CCP is only paid for the hours they work – no additional fees |
Using a different temporary resource every time? | You get the same highly skilled professional every time you outsource work to CCP |
Having to pay tax, national insurance or employee benefits to your resource? | Your CCP VA is self-employed, no tax or benefit liabilities |
Having to provide computer/other equipment for a resource? | The CCP VA provides all their own equipment |
Unsure how much temp staff will cost? | CCP will work with you to provide a service for your business within your budgetary needs – retainer packages are available and we are almost certainly cheaper than hiring a temp! |
Call today on 07419 835457 or email [email protected] to discuss how we can make life easier!