It is common for the administration to take a back seat, whilst work on more urgent issues is dealt with. This can be a good short-term strategy, but if it goes on for too long, the pile of work soon grows; an important document that you need to read, a form to complete, invoices to send or pay, the list goes on.
If your In Tray has started to resemble a Jenga Tower, the thought of tackling it can be overwhelming and off-putting. Where do you start? You know there are greater priorities than the documents on the top, but risk everything collapsing if you pull something out from the middle.
Many small business owners have admitted to failing to invoice for work they have completed, or paying fines for not completing important paperwork on time. No business can afford to ignore what needs to be done. What’s more, ignoring it just means it grows bigger. If you are in this situation it's time to take action, but you don’t need to do it alone.
Hiring the services of a professional Virtual Assistant can take a weight off your shoulders, ensure things are sorted and allow you to focus on the other demands of the business.
A Virtual Assistant can separate the 'Jenga Tower' into logical piles and identify what needs to take priority. With the support of a Virtual Assistant, you can deal with the most urgent issues first, whilst clearing out anything unnecessary. Once organised into smaller groups, the outstanding paperwork is far more manageable to tackle without fear of everything caving in on you.
A Virtual Assistant can provide a one off service, to help you get back on track. Alternatively they can offer an ongoing service, which could involve Purchase Ledger Support or putting in place systems and processes that will help prevent the pile building up again.
If you would like to find out more about the many ways in which a Virtual Assistant can help, visit our Benefits of a VA page.