Throughout the marathon, or any other sporting challenge, participants regularly drink water to keep their bodies hydrated and in optimum condition. Despite all of the training, our bodies simply can’t keep working without a regular supply of water. Water is far from the most exciting drink, but it is essential that it is consumed in order for runner’s bodies to keep working. With a steady water supply, the runners stand a better chance of reaching the finish line.
For those who have committed considerable time and energy in building up a business, the administration is much like a runner’s water supply. It is an uninspiring yet essential component in achieving a healthy and successful company. If the administration is tackled on a regular basis, it remains manageable and more importantly, helps business ambitions to be realised.
If you have effective administration processes in place, you have a clear overview of your business; informing decision-making and ensuring compliancy with industry regulations. Good administration means your accounts are in order, giving you a clear picture of your current financial situation. It means you are in regular communication with existing customers, whilst marketing to prospects for a steady pipeline of new business. It means you have completed all paperwork for the business and employees, so there are no unexpected costs or penalties around the corner.
So, we all know that whether we are running the marathon or not, we should be consuming litres of water every day to keep us healthy, but if we are honest the majority of us rarely do. Let’s be honest, a bottle of wine with dinner has so much more appeal!
The same goes for business administration; we know we should be doing it, but a meeting with a potential client, an important phone call and many other competing tasks mean that administration often takes a back seat. The pile then builds and it isn’t long before the in-tray becomes too daunting and time- consuming to tackle.
If you need help with business administration, why not employ someone else to do the work for you! If the pile has grown out of control and the health of your business is suffering, a Virtual Assistant (VA) can be hired for a one-off session to get things back on track, or to provide an on-going service.
From identifying the priorities and ensuring they are dealt with, to setting up systems that help to reduce the workload in the future, a VA will help you to successfully achieve your business goals.
Clare Clarke - CC Professional Secretarial Services - April 2014